1. 内蒙古自治区科技重大专项,蒙古高原家畜遗传资源库与信息平台建设及种质资源开发利用,2020-2022;
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,31560335,小鼠新型干细胞EpiLSCs建系及PGC 定向分化研究,2016.01-2019.12;
3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,32060176,小鼠新型胚胎干细胞系的建立及其人造囊胚模型的重建,2021.01-2024.12。
1. Siqin Bao, WC Tang, Baojiang Wu, S Kim, J Li, L Li, T Kobayashi, C Lee, Y Chen, M Wei, S Li, S Dietmann, F Tang, Xihe Li*, Azim Surani*. Derivation of hypermethylated pluripotent embryonic stem cells with high potency. Cell Research, 2018, 28(1): 22-34 (1区TOP期刊;IF= 46.297).
2. Baojiang Wu#, Yunxia Li#, Bojiang Li#, Baojing Zhang#, Yanqiu Wang, Lin Li, Junpeng Gao, Yuting Fu, Shudong Li, Chen Chen, Azim Surani, Fuchou Tang, Xihe Li*, Siqin Bao*. DNMTs play an important role in maintaining the pluripotency of leukemia inhibitory factor dependent embryonic stem cells. Stem Cell Reports, 2021, 16(3):582-596 (最新分区1区Top期刊;IF= 7.294).
3. Baojiang Wu#, Lin Li#, Bojiang Li, Junpeng Gao, Yanglin Chen, Mengyi Wei, Zhiqing Yang, Baojing Zhang, Shudong Li, Kexin Li, Changshan Wang, Azim Surani, Xihe Li, Fuchou Tang*, Siqin Bao*. Activin A and BMP4 signaling expands potency of mouse embryonic stem cells in serum-free media. Stem Cell Reports, 2020, 14(2): 241-255 (最新分区1区Top期刊;IF= 7.294).
4. Yanqiu Wang#, Qin Na#, Xihe Li, Wee Tee, Baojiang Wu*, Siqin Bao*. Retinoic acid induces NELFA-mediated 2C-like state of mouse embryonic stem cells associates with epigenetic modifications and metabolic processes in chemically defined media. Cell Proliferation, 2021,54(6):e13049 (共同通讯作者,2区;IF= 8.755).
5. Siqin Bao, Harry G. Leitch, Astrid Gillich, Jennifer Nichols, Fuchou Tang, Shinseog Kim, Caroline Lee, Thomas Zwaka, Xihe Li, and M. Azim Surani*. The Germ Cell Determinant Blimp1 Is Not Required for Derivation of Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2012,11: 110-117 (1区TOP期刊;IF= 25.269).
6. Siqin Bao, Fuchou Tang, Xihe Li, Katsuhiko Hayashi, Astrid Gillich, Kaiqin Lao and M. Azim Surani*. Epigenetic reversion of post-implantation epiblast to pluripotent embryonic stem cells. Nature. 2009,461: 1292-1295 (1区TOP期刊;IF= 69.504).
7. Siqin Bao, Naoki Miyoshi, Ikuhiro Okamoto, Thomas Jenuwein, Edith Heard and M. Azim Surani*. Initiation of epigenetic reprogramming of the X chromosome in somatic nuclei transplanted to mouse oocyte. EMBO Reports. 2005,6:748-754 (1区TOP期刊;IF= 9.071).