1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:Rip17靶标StPP1介导马铃薯青枯病抗性的分子机制解析,32201789,2023.1-2025.12,在研,主持.
2. Wang, B., He, W., Huang, M., Feng, J., Li, Y., Yu, L., ... Song, B*., & Chen, H*. (2023). Ralstonia solanacearum type III effector RipAS associates with potato type one protein phosphatase StTOPP6 to promote bacterial wilt. Horticulture Research.(IF=8.7,农林科学1区Top)
3. Wang, B., Huang, M., He, W., Wang, Y., Yu, L., Zhou, D., ... Song, B*., & Chen, H*. (2023). Protein phosphatase StTOPP6 negatively regulates potato bacterial wilt resistance by modulating MAPK signaling. Journal of Experimental Botany.(IF=6.9,2023年生物学2区Top)
4. Wang, B†., Wang, Y†., He, W., Huang, M., Yu, L., Cheng, D., ... Song, B*., & Chen, H*. (2023). StMLP1, as a Kunitz trypsin inhibitor, enhances potato resistance and specifically expresses in vascular bundles during Ralstonia solanacearum infection. Plant Journal.(共同一作,IF=7.2,生物学1区Top)
5. Wang, B†., He, T†., Zheng, X., Song, B., & Chen, H. (2021). Proteomic analysis of potato responding to the invasion of Ralstonia solanacearum UW551 and its type III secretion system mutant. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions.(共同一作, IF=3.5, 生物学2区)
6. Huang, M†., Tan, X†., Song, B., Wang, Y., Cheng, D., Wang, B*., & Chen, H*. (2023). Comparative genomic analysis of Ralstonia solanacearum reveals candidate avirulence effectors in HA4-1 triggering wild potato immunity. Frontiers in Plant Science.(共同通讯, IF=5.6, 生物学2区Top)
7. Du, J†., Wang, B†., Huang, M., Chen, X., Nie, L., Wang, T., Chen, H*., & Song, B*. Advancements in unraveling and enhancing bacterial wilt resistance in Solanaceous crops. Vegetable Research.(共同一作,2021年创刊)
8. He, W†., Wang, B†., Huang, M., Meng, C., Wu, J., Du, J., Song, B*., & Chen, H*. Screening of wild potatoes identifies new sources of bacterial wilt resistance. Plants.(共同一作,IF=4.5, 生物学2区)